Maui Tourism Management and Economic Development TIG Report
The Budget, Finance and Economic Development (BFED) Committee released their Tourism Management and Economic Development Temporary Investigative Group (TIG) Report at their committee meeting on February 2nd. The TIG held meetings on September 10, 2021, September 24, 2021, October 8, 2021, October 29, 2021, November 12, 2021, November 23, 2021, December 10, 2021, and January 19, 2022.
The group compiled several legislative action items, which will be discussed at the next BFED meeting on February 23, 2022. Among the proposals are recommendations for capping tourist accommodations, adding green energy requirements for for accommodations, managed retreat for structures in sea level rise areas, eliminating TVRs in varios zoning districts, and regulating the peer to peer car sharing industry, among others.
You can find the report with all of the proposals here.