The County of Maui has announced and posted Updated Public Health Emergency Rules at MauiCounty.gov.
The update is titled “Public Health Emergency Rules, Amended July 31, 2020.” It can be found under “COVID-19 Coronavirus Information.”
The revised rules took effect July 31 and outline that a STRH, B&B or TVR may be used as a quarantine location for new or intended Hawaii residents leasing the STRH, B&B, or TVR. The quarantine is subject to the rules and regulations observed for the full 14 day period, and the property owner, manager, landlord, tenant and guest shall be responsible for the compliance. The STRH, B&B, or TVR may only designate as a quarantine location for a new or intended resident only once in a 6 month period.
The new updated emergency rules include a limit of indoor and outdoor social gatherings to no more than 10 people. Face coverings are required, and physical distancing of at least 6 feet between separate groups must be maintained.
Businesses and places of worship will still be allowed to function under existing County and State rules. Businesses such as restaurants, bars and beauty salons must continue to follow health and safety guidelines outlined in the emergency rules.
The county also announced that Maui Police Department is the task force and contact for quarantine violations. Contact them on the non emergency email mpdquarantine@mpd.net.
Governor Ige's 8/3 Press Conference Cliff Notes
Q: Is the Sept. 1 Pre-Travel Testing Program deadline hard and fast at this point, and will people be allowed in whether or not they have received negative test results?
-- We are working hard to complete all of the preparations for the Sept. 1 announcement of when we would begin the Pre-Travel Testing Program.
-- The visitor industry needs to have time ahead of those decisions if there will be changes made.
-- We continue to monitor the conditions in the state, and as well as around the country, and will be making a further determination as we get closer to the Sept. 1 date.
-- The hotels have said three- to four-weeks’ notice is needed, and the airlines would like at least two-weeks’ notice if there will be a change.
-- I will be meeting with the mayors. We would like to see a stopping of the increase in new cases in the state, and hopefully begin the trend downward.
-- If there are too many cases here, and we have not stopped the increase, then we would be looking at delaying the Sept. 1 date.
Q: What was the problem with the digital contractor? When will Google begin and is there an additional cost?
-- In testing the application, they had finished the first phase. During the stress testing and assuring that we could move from the prototype to production, it became clear that we would have performance issues. The responsiveness of the app was not to our liking and would cause a delay.
-- Google was selected by Chief Information Officer Doug Murdock who interviewed several of the leading software developers.
-- Google is best positioned to develop a working app that would be able to scale to the level we need it to. If you recall, we used to get 30,000+ arrivals per day.
-- They have been on for a day or two now. We expect to catch up to the original development schedule, although three to five days behind.
-- We believe we would have a working application well ahead of the Sept. 1 date.
[Summarized from HVCB Newsletter]
Click here for the Governor's 10th proclamation.
To See the full press conference here: https://www.facebook.com/MauiVacationRentalAssociation/posts/184949253035662