The Maui Planning Department has released their 2019 enforcement report.
Maui County Transient Vacation Rental Enforcement 2019 Summary
In 2019 quarters 1 through 4, ZAED Inspectors issued more than 180 Notices of Warning and more than 80 Notices of Violation.
The Notices of Violation have resulted in ZAED collecting $50,000.00 in fines from TVR violations issued throughout the 2019 calendar year, with others still pending or being litigated that total in excess of $300,000.00 in additional fines.
At the end of 2019, there were 379 permitted STRH and B&B homes, making the highest possible total of illegal properties being 230‐304. A total of 1,217 non‐exempt ads, assuming each property lists on 2 platforms, indicates 609 properties; subtracting 379 permitted operations leaves 230 non‐compliant properties. Assuming an average of 3 platforms per property results in approximately 27 unique properties illegally advertising at the end of 2019.
How do you feel? Do you get the sense that illegal operations have ceased in your neighborhoods?
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