What can you do?
If you have a vacation rental operation in the apartment district or this concerns you, please reach out to your council members, send testimony, or better yet give oral testimony at this week’s County Council meeting.
Item you are testifying on is PSLU-34
To testify: Meeting of November 3, 2021 9:00 AM will be held virtual online here: BlueJeans link https://bluejeans.com/149341846
To phone in testimony:To join the meeting by phone, call 1-408-915-6290, and enter meeting code 149 341 846
To submit written testimony:
Go to https://mauicounty.granicusideas.com/meetings/1438-planning-and-sustainable-land-use-committee-2021-on-2021-11-03-9-00-am/agenda_items/617b54d0f2b67075970158b3-pslu-34-cc-21-422-phasing-out-transient-accommodat
View the agenda here: https://mauicounty.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=901831&GUID=D7AA512E-D668-48C6-85F9-6C1FBB940823
To view the proposed bill and committee report: https://mauicounty.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=9924078&GUID=03DC0520-4C86-4EAB-8543-97F2AB200AE5
Finally, feel free to reach out to your County Council representatives via email or phone:
Alice Lee, Council Chair: Alice.Lee@mauicounty.us, Phone: (808) 270-7760;
Keani Rawlins-Fernandez, Council Vice Chair: Keani.Rawlins@mauicounty.us, Phone: (808) 270-7678;
Tasha Kama, Presiding Officer Pro Tempore of the Maui County Council: Tasha.Kama@mauicounty.us, Phone: (808) 270-5501;
Gabe Johnson, Councilmember: Gabe.Johnson@mauicounty.us, Phone: (808) 270-7768;
Kelly King, Councilmember: Kelly.King@mauicounty.us, Phone: (808) 270-7108;
Mike Molina, Councilmember: Mike.Molina@mauicounty.us, Phone: (808) 270-5507;
Tamara Paltin, Councilmember, Chair of Planning and Sustainable Land Use Committee: Tamara.Paltin@mauicounty.us, Phone: (808) 270-5504;
Shane Sinenci, Councilmember: Shane.Sinenci@mauicounty.us, Phone: (808) 270-7246;
Yuki Lei Sugimura, Councilmember: Yukilei.Sugimura@mauicounty.us, Phone: (808) 270-7939